Espace : entreprise / école / candidat

Plateforme de recrutement et d'orientation dédiée aux diplômés bac+3

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Sport Management Internships h/f Espagne

  • Entreprise : Zador Language Centre
  • Date : 16/09/2024
  • Référence de l'offre : SMI-23

Sports Management is one of the largest and most profitable industries worldwide. Following a career in this field includes all sorts of activities to promote a product or a service that is related to any sports, recreation or physical activities, which may include planning, organizing, promoting, directing, fundraising, controlling, budgeting, leading and evaluating.
It is predicted that job opportunities within this field will grow considerably and from ZADOR we aim to provide real experiences in top sports locations such as Vitoria or Alicante. Competition for these jobs is high, however, and having experience is a great asset.
You will learn about different areas involved in this industry as well as multitasking, and wear different hats according to the different situations, which is a necessary skill to follow this path in Sports.
From brand management, marketing, PR and media to sales, financing and management areas, opportunities are extensive. By undertaking a Sports Management internship through the ZADOR Internship program, you will be able to develop your sports network, knowledge and experience!
After completing your internship in Sports Management, future job possibilities might include working directly with athletes, coaches, teams and organizations or working behind the scenes as a promoter, marketing...
I is imperative to have an A2/B1 level of Spanish

Cette offre est disponible dans plusieurs pays : Espagne

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